Troop Guide (TG)
Troop guides serve as both a leader and a mentor to the members of the new-Scout patrol. They should be an older Scout who holds at least the First Class rank and can work well with younger Scouts.
The troop guide helps the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol lead their patrol, so they can develop into a well-functioning group, working together harmoniously and productively.
The troop guide helps the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol lead their patrol, so they can develop into a well-functioning group, working together harmoniously and productively.
- introduces new Scouts to troop operations
- guides new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts
- helps new Scouts towards earning the First Class rank
- teaches basic Scout skills
- coaches the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol on his duties
- works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders’ council meetings
- attends patrol leaders’ council meetings with the patrol leader of the new-Scout patrol
- counsels individuals Scouts on Scouting challenges
- sets a good example
- wears the Scout uniform correctly
- lives by the Scout Oath and Law
- shows Scout spirit
- Troop Guide Vision and Goals
- Troop Guide Handbook for Training New Scouts
- Patrol Leader Checklist
- Patrol Advancement Record Form
- Patrol Leader Report Prep for PLC
- Patrol Camping Trip Planner
- Patrol Game Ideas